28. June 2023
Project Preview:

In the consortium project “Clinker-reduced binders”, the CBI, together with Filigran, Nesseler and Solidian, is identifying a combination of binders that lead to the greatest possible CO2 savings and can be used for different applications. Scientific support for the project is provided by the Institute of Structural Concrete at RWTH Aachen University.

Project Description:

Due to the current climate debate, the cement industry is more than ever in the focus of public attention because of its high CO2 emissions, which are mainly caused by clinker production. The production of 1 t of Portland cement in Germany generates an average of 587 kg of CO2. Worldwide, the cement industry causes 5 – 8% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In view of the increasing national and international demand for cement, there is an urgent need to utilize the existing potential for saving greenhouse gas emissions.

The desire for resource efficiency and sustainability in the construction industry will lead to less and less pure Portland cements (CEM I) being used in the coming years.

This project was successfully completed.