25. October 2019
After the introduction of the newest members, the Center Building and Infrastructure Engineering (CBI) would like to introduce the members in the following weeks. Next, the CBI may introduce CONTAINERWERK eins GmbH as a member on the RWTH Aachen Campus. Thank you very much for joining the community and for the trust you have placed in us! The CBI is pleased to welcome one of the most innovative suppliers of residential modules made from used sea freight containers.

CONTAINERWERK has already received many awards for the developed innovation, such as “Germany, Land of Ideas” or the “Green Product Award” and was nominated for the “German Innovation Award 2019”.

CONTAINERWERK uses a 100% recyclable process to transform used sea freight containers into individually designable living or working space. The process is patented several times and thus provides a high level of comfort. The used sea freight containers are processed into living modules in a serial industrial process with high precision and constant quality. After conversion, the containers are characterised by high energy efficiency, which is achieved by various measures such as thermal windows or monolithic high-performance insulation without thermal bridges.

Container modules are currently offered as boarding houses, hotels, student residences, co-working spaces or in the area of co-living & microliving. CONTAINERWERK will present the various concepts for using the converted containers in its showrooms in Stuttgart and soon also in Berlin.

Today, Minister Ina Scharrenbach (MHKBG NRW) also visited CONTAINERWERK’s production site in Wassenberg. The CBI was also invited to this meeting. Guided by the founder Ivan Mallinowski, the minister, the speaker Johannes Bröhl, member of the state parliament Thomas Schnelle in the presence of the managing director of the CBI, Carl Richter, had the opportunity to have a look at the conversion of the disused sea freight containers. The subsequent discussion focused on possible solutions to current challenges such as the housing shortage in cities or the waste of resources.

CONTAINERWERK Showroom @ Center building and Infrastructure Engineering


CONTAINERWERK Aufbau @ Center building and Infrastructure Engineering