10. January 2020

As the newest member, the CBI nesseler grünzig can welcome you to the RWTH Aachen Campus.  Thank you very much for joining the community and for the trust you have placed in us! The CBI is pleased to welcome the Aachen-based company, which was named Germany’s Construction Company of the Year in 2018.

The nesseler grünzig gruppe is a competent partner for clients, investors, buyers and builders. The range of services is geared to the life cycle of the property – from project development, planning, construction and operation to modernisation. With modern project management for short realisation times, with a quality philosophy from the very beginning and with personal support for each construction project, which has made it a reliable partner for over 100 years.

The more than 320 employees in the central office in Aachen and the branch office in Frankfurt develop projects and construct real estate as property developers as well as design, plan and construct in building construction. For this purpose, nesseler offers turnkey construction, shell structures and precast concrete elements produced in its own precast factory. Also in the utilisation phase nesseler is a partner for operation and optimisation. Also the modernisation of buildings such as energetic refurbishment is part of nesseler’s portfolio.

The advancement of innovations is an important key for nesseler to assert itself on the market. They would like to continue this together with the CBI and the other members.