5. May 2020

After the brief introductions of the individual members, the Center Building and Infrastructure Engineering (CBI) would like to introduce the university institutes of the four initiators. The four founding institutes are part of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, which consists of a total of 23 professorships in the fields of civil engineering, environment, and infrastructure. Another important step in interdisciplinary research in the field of civil engineering was taken by the institutes for solid construction, building research, road construction, and steel construction with the foundation of the CBI as part of the Construction Cluster on the RWTH Aachen Campus. In the CBI, you bundle your professional competencies and research infrastructure and thus enable members from industry to convert current trends into market-relevant technologies faster and more efficiently. The new presentation series “CBI presents” continues today with the: Institute of Steel Construction (STB).

The Institute of Steel Construction is one of the four founding institutes of the RWTH Aachen University. For 15 years Prof. Dr.-Ing Markus Feldmann has headed the institute in the research areas of steel, composite, timber, and lightweight construction. Prof. Feldmann also holds the chair for steel and lightweight metal construction. This chair was one of the four founding chairs of the RWTH Aachen University. In addition to the classical fields of structural engineering, bridge construction, and civil engineering, research is also carried out in the fields of material engineering, wind engineering, construction glass, and building physics.

In the course of the institute’s progressive development, a further teaching and research area “Sustainability in lightweight metal construction” has been represented by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Kuhnhenne since 2015. The teaching and research area is active in the fields of structural design, static dimensioning, building physics, and sustainability of lightweight metal constructions. Besides, a wide range of interdisciplinary research topics with classical and related topics of steel construction are dealt with.

In all fields of research, the institute provides basic and applied research, national and international standardization as well as all kinds of approvals, expert opinions, technical advice on planning and execution.

Experimental investigations of the institute are carried out in the institute’s test halls. In addition to its test hall, the institute has a large community laboratory for further research activities due to its membership in the association Zentrum Metallische Bauweisen e.V..