2. March 2022

Building on our October 2021 workshop, we met last week for the kick-off meeting of the new consortium project “Sustainability Assessment of Transport Infrastructure out of town”. Dr. Carl Richter (Managing Director of CBI) kicked off this meeting together with the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) and our members Echterhoff, Eiffage, Eurovia, Hochtief, Nesseler, Röhm, Swarco and Zeppelin to define the project objectives and to set the first concrete work steps. The project is additionally supported by Autobahn GmbH.

The project is scientifically accompanied by the Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering and the Institute of Highway Engineering of RWTH Aachen University. Both institutes support this meeting with their interesting introductions to the current topic.

Already at the kick-off, the first concrete work steps could be agreed upon in order to get closer to the medium-term goal of a certification system for sustainable transport infrastructure projects.

Learn more about this project here. We look forward to the constructive cooperation and to the follow-up meeting.